Marketing Minute – Use Messenger to Get Referrals

Alex Branning here with the Marketing Minute. I want to talk about how not to do referrals. Referrals are some of the easiest sales that we can make, but you can also turn off your customers if you ask in the wrong way. Right before I shot this video, I was approached by a guy who said, “Hey, Alex, we had a short conversation on my program,” in an MLM, “earlier and I was wondering who in your family or friend’s list can I talk to about losing weight?” That’s just not a good approach. I mean, you didn’t say hi. You didn’t warm up. You just hit me with the ask for my friends to connect you with for an MLM that I’m really not that familiar with.

Here’s a better way to ask for referrals when it comes to growing your network marketing business. Warm me up, and then say, hey, one of my products does this, dot, dot, dot. Do you know anybody off the top of your head that this product would work for? Just tell them straight out, this is what I’m going to talk to them about. People will trust you more. They’ll respect you, and they may have a good referral for you.

So that’s my Marketing Minute for you in the network marketing space on how to use social media messages to get referrals.

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