In short, the new iOS 14 changes make it much harder to track what ads are successfully converting, and the “retargeting” window has been cut by 75% (28 days to 7 days). Please note that this is one of several changes that the new iOS 14 platform has rolled out, and you can do further research by reading the articles linked at the very bottom of this blog post.
What does this mean for you? Why should YOU care about the iOS 14 updates?
If you’re advertising on Facebook, the iOS 14 updates mean that you have seven days to retarget web site visitors on the Facebook Ad Platform before they are removed from your retargeting audience. The “pixel cripple” of these changes also affects targeting options for displaying your ads to cold audiences…
However – and this is where it’s important to work with a marketing company that’s dedicated to finding creative solutions – you can still retarget your audience for up to a year, IF they engage with your Facebook Page by…
- Liking a post on your Facebook Page,
- Commenting on a post on your Facebook Page,
- Sharing a post from your Facebook Page
- Watching a video posted by your Facebook Page
- They “Follow”/Like your Facebook Page
- Etc
Let’s start the conversation by going through our done-for-you products and listing how each of them will be impacted by these changes:
Giveaway Funnel: The Giveaway Funnel is our famous lead generation system used by top-producing agents, lead aggregators, and others to fill your database with fresh, exclusive leads using an online raffle.
The Giveaway Funnel uses the Facebook Advertising Machine to put your ad in front of your target prospect and attract them into your database. Each Giveaway Funnel uses a single domain and a single pixel event (CompleteRegistration) to track the success of each campaign.
The Giveaway Funnel campaigns have NOT been affected in any way by the iOS 14 updates.
Using the Giveaway Funnel, you can expect leads for approximately $1.00 each… and we do not expect that to change.
Long-Form Funnel: These high-intent funnel campaigns only generate leads of contacts who are interested in the insurance product you sell (or joining your team, if you’re running recruitment ads).
The user flow is ad, to our survey funnel, to a scheduled call to discuss policy options. This funnel uses a long form to weed out any prospects that are not interested in moving forward.
This high-intent ad will be impacted by the changes, because we will have a small window of time to re-engage visitors to the page who did not fill out the form. Most of the time, it takes a few website visits before someone will take the time, and have the trust, to fill out a long form to get a quote for an insurance product. Our retargeting efforts have helped us DRAMATICALLY reduce our per-lead costs for our clients, and we will be monitoring the impact of the pixel changes for our active campaigns.
Direct Facebook Ads: This ad campaign is also generating high-intent leads, like the Long Form Funnel, but instead of taking the prospect to a funnel we collect their information right on Facebook!
The barrier of entry is much lower, so our clients get a higher volume of leads than a long-form funnel.
This campaign is PERFECTLY SUITED for the iOS 14 changes, and we expect even better results as the “pixel cripple” weeds out advertisers that leave the platform.
On Demand Seminar: Our On Demand Seminar product is our answer to the live lunch-and-learn seminars of the past. The goal is to find your target audience, educate them on what you do, and have them raise their hand to work with you.
Your prospect will click on your ad be prompted to opt-in (name, email, & phone) to watch your presentation. Once they watch your presentation, they will have the option of scheduling a one-on-one call with you.
These leads are extremely high quality, and they have to go through a tall barrier to schedule a call.
This high-intent ad will also be impacted by the changes, because we will have a small window of time to re-engage visitors to the page who went to the page out of curiosity but did not register for the video training.
Video Domino: No matter what you sell, who you are trying to reach, or where you are located, the Video Domino strategy will work to attract highly qualified leads to you that are prepared and excited to buy! This marketing strategy will continue to THRIVE with the iOS 14 updates.
Video has been proven to work as a delivery method to connect to your audience. There’s nothing like being able to look someone (you) “in the eye” and listen to them speak.
We use the Facebook Ad Platform to deliver video to your target audience. Someone that is genuinely interested in your service will take 2-3 minutes to watch you explain one of the big benefits of your service, and listen to you make an offer. On average you’ll only have to pay pennies per view of that 2-3 minute video!
Here’s the good news: all of this is happening on Facebook, which means that you can retarget these video viewers for up to a YEAR!
The more they see your face, and hear your voice, the more likely they are to trust you to take the next step!
The Video Domino will generate the HIGHEST QUALITY lead out of all our campaigns.
Your action steps:
- Schedule a free marketing strategy session phone call with us so we can answer questions and share our options for moving forward: http://branningcall.com
- It is IMPERATIVE that you have a strong social media presence on your Facebook Page so that you generate engagement and build an audience that you can retarget with paid ads. We recommend Social Magnet, the only social media tool that’s built specifically for insurance agents. You can sign up for a free month-long trial at http://www.socialmagnet.app/
- Setup a strong retargeting campaign for your pixel audience that engages them on Facebook to like or comment on a post, and/or watch a short video so that you can retarget them for longer periods of time.
If you need help with any of this, let’s talk ASAP – http://branningcall.com/
Learn more about the iOS 14 changes here: