Generating leads from the Internet (free PDF)

HERE is a free PDF for you of all the ads that the “big boys“ are running to generate leads for their insurance products.

My goal is to build a relationship with you by providing a massive amount of value on a regular basis, as such this resource is absolutely free. Enjoy!

The reason I am sending this to you now is in response to a lot of feedback I got on the last email I sent (where I talked about my Mindset around calling leads from the Internet and giving my entire audience a free course on Telesales). I had quite a few people respond to that email and ask me how to generate leads from the Internet.

My personal favorite way to generate consistent leads on Facebook and Instagram is to use the Giveaway Funnel. I won’t go into that strategy here, you can learn more about that at

My second favorite way to generate leads online is to use video. There is something so powerful about your target prospect being able to look you in the eye, hear your voice and listen to you address them with how you can serve them. I wrote video scripts for most of the insurance products for sale, you can see numerous examples at

In THIS PDF I have included some of my favorite ads where they use a direct Facebook ad.

In these examples you’ll see them use the image + text combination to generate clicks to our website. These types of ads work very well, especially when you’re media creative (industry slang for the photo or video) catches peoples eyes and gets them to click. We use these types of ads in our Ad Kits ( )

If you need any help generating leads online, I am here to serve you and I would love to help you in whatever capacity I can. You can schedule a time on my calendar that works for you:


Have fun today,
Alex Branning


PS – I have built my entire business around the idea that I can work with any  insurance agent and help turn them into a legacy-building, world-changing, abundantly-wealthy person … and I am sharing all of my best ideas inside of my online community, “Rich and Rebellious Agents“ – I’d love to see you there!

If you’d like the free resources mentioned in this blog post, send an email to and we’ll send it right over!”

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