June 19, 2023
Hi there, We’ve all heard the phrase, “It’s too good to be true”…
And unfortunately, we’ve all experienced how true this phrase really is.
A few years ago, a friend of mine and her family were in the market for a new car because their family had just moved. They decided to check out a local used car lot to find something that would get their family through that current season.
They found something they liked and that seemed to need minimal repairs needed on it, drove it for a test run, and decided to move forward with it.
It was not even a full 24 hours later that the trouble started.
A clunking in their car eventually revealed that there was a part that would need to be replaced which would cost them more than they had paid for the car!

To top it off, while my friend and her kids were driving around town, they discovered the dealer didn’t tighten the lugnuts on the tires all the way because the tires started to fall off!
Now, I’m not saying used cars are going to fall apart on you or that they aren’t worth it. I know of more good experiences than bad when it comes to used cars.
However, the lesson learned by this family was that this car and its price ended up being way too good to be true.
They learned that you get what you pay for… and unfortunately, they didn’t get much for what they paid for.
Today’s marketing idea is going to address this idea.
What are we willing to pay for in our business? Are we willing to pay to get more out of our business efforts?
Since we get what we pay for, we’re only going to get what we’re willing to pay for.
Let’s jump in!