Fire Up Fridays: Opportunity Cost

FIRE UP FRIDAY! We all have goals that we want to reach, but there’s something in our way that is stopping us.

It could be our daily habits; and if it’s our daily habits that are keeping us from reaching our potential then we need to focus on improving those habits. If your daily habits are not where they need to be then email and he can get you set up with an accountability coach.

Your biggest obstacle could be your sales presentation! if you are not closing your sales appointments, then reach out to Eric and have him help you construct a great pitch.

Often our biggest obstacle is not being able to present what we do in a way that solves an immediate, nagging pain point. That obstacle is overcome by bringing a pain point to the surface, amplifying it, and then presenting a solution now that the prospect is feeling the pain.

Why bother focusing on any of these things? I want to introduce you to a concept called “opportunity cost”

Opportunity Cost of not reaching your potential: Write down your average monthly income over the last 12 months. Then write down what you want your average monthly income to be. Let’s say that your average income is $5000 per month, and you’re goal is to actually make $15,000 per month in your business. That means the gap between where you are and where you want to be is $10,000 per month. You’re paying a cost of $10,000 every month you don’t solve this problem.

I want to teach you how to write better copy to attract more prospects and help set more appointments.

The P.A.S.T.O.R. Copywriting Framework:

P – Person, Problem, Pain: Identify the person you are writing to, the problem that your product or service is intended to solve, and the pain your person is experiencing

A – Amplify: Stress the consequences of what will happen if that problem isn’t solved

S – Story and Solution: Tell the story of someone who has solved that problem with your solution or a solution like yours

T – Transformation and Testimony: Articulate the results that your product or service will bring, providing real life testimonials to strengthen your case

O – Offer: Describe exactly what you are offering to sell, focusing on the transformation instead of on the deliverables

R – Response: Ask the customer to buy, with step-by-step instructions on what to do next

Be really specific in your copy, it should feel like the letter is written to them!

BONUS: Link to Ray Edwards book, How to Write Sales Copy

B2B salespeople I have something for you too, a cheatsheet to help you find your niche audience so that you can communicate with them

Grab them all at



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