The future of course building


As a digital marketer who has created dozens of courses of the past year and a half, I am starting to see a trend for the next year and a half. If you’re planning on creating a course, keep this in mind so you can maximize your results.


1. Customers will demand more content and more support


There have been way too many courses released that our video only with no text or corresponding worksheet. The problem is that your customer has essentially bought an online DVD kid and not a training course.

Customers are becoming much more demanding when it comes to content, they are expecting you to include a handbook/worksheet that complements the course as well as written copy that they can read or skim at their leisure.


2. Customers expect an online community


One of the best ways for the student to learn is to work with others that are studying the same material. What used to be a new and unique experience – the Facebook group – has now become an expectation!


The good news for you as the course builder is that setting up a Facebook group is free, and if you follow a marketing plan you will set your customers up to buy your future courses and done for you services.


3. Customers anticipate your next offering, and will buy more advanced training 


The customer is now becoming a master student! They want to not just learn the basics of what you’re teaching, they want to be able to get up to the same level of knowledge is you!

The good news is that this creates an opportunity for you to sell your customer more of your courses and create a much deeper relationship! You don’t want your customer to go somewhere else for the knowledge that they are looking for, so go ahead and make that follow up course available.


One of the “dirty secrets” in course sales is the number of refunds requested by dissatisfied customers. Following these rules will keep your refund numbers down because you’ll be delivering excellence, support and continued training.


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