The Identity of Success – Andy Mason

My success is not my own, I live from inheritance – Andy Mason

“God has not called me to be successful, He called me to be faithful” – Mother Teresa


The only way I can access the fullness of who I am is to identify who I belong to.


Identity Theft: you don’t know that what was yours has been stolen, someone is accessing what is yours and now I can’t access what is mine. When my identity has been stolen I’m not the only one that suffers, my family, employees and children suffer.


What Steals Success?
  • Lack of leadership skills
  • Entitlement of self preservation
  • Identity theft = wrong beliefs!
“No longer servants, strangers, foreigners… I have called you friends and family” – Jesus


Jesus destroyed categories, and gave us full access to His Kingdom and resources


If your family and employees are afraid to ask questions or take risks, you’ve created a restrictive environment. There’s a lack of freedom in that environment.


If you removed all the parts of the Bible that were written by murderers, you’d lose half of it! Think about that, you are not disqualified because of your past!


What do you need that you haven’t asked for? Even if it’s a problem YOU caused! God is able and willing to fix it.


We disqualify ourselves by our own assessment. God doesn’t disqualify us, we do!


“…you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir of God through Christ.” – Galatians 4:5-7


You are adopted into God’s family. Who does the work, who makes the choice – the adopter or the adoptee? You were CHOSEN!


“For NEVER shall the son of the slave woman be heir and share the inheritance with the son of the free  woman” – Galatians 4:30 (AMP)


A child takes great risks in the home without fear, and they walk humbly knowing they haven’t earned the things in the home.


  • Have a master
  • Told what to do
  • Obey
  • Live for connection
  • Restricted access
  • Hold on
  • Payment


  • Have a father
  • Asked what to do
  • Love
  • Love from connection
  • Full access
  • Held onto
  • Inheritance


Jesus told His disciples to ask for anything in God’s name and He will grant it out of the JOY of His heart.


When I’m secure in my identity and provision with Christ, I am not threatened by greatness in others.


The lie is that “I’m not qualified” – who qualifies you??


The above notes were taken from a presentation given by Andy Mason at the Heaven in Business Conference August 30, 2017

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